Introducing Nexcom NEIO IO Modules

August 27, 2020


Introducing the integration of Nexcom's NEIO modules with RMP EtherCAT motion controller. The modules come in a variety of IO selections, are reliable, and a good solution for OEMs to consider.


Product:  NEIO-B1101 / B1102 (32-CH Digital Input EtherCAT Slave Module)


  • Finger-safe wiring cover
  • Detachable screw terminals
  • Rotational pin-assignment marks
  • On-module LED indicators
  • User-friendly wiring label
  • Multiple mounting methods

Description: NEIO-B1101 is a 32-channel PNP type digital input EtherCAT slave module. The voltage input of NEIO-B1101 is 24 VDC which complies with IEC-61131-2 Standard. NEIO-B1102 is a 32-channel PNP/NPN type digital input EtherCAT slave module. The input filter of NEIO-B1102 is 1ms, and its normal input voltage is 24 VDC. All of the NEIO modules are provided with high isolation protection, and verified by the EtherCAT conformance test tool. Therefore NEIO is a reliable module to implement in your applications.

Product:  NEIO-B1201/B1202 (32-CH Digital Output EtherCAT Slave Module)


  • Finger-safe wiring cover
  • Detachable screw terminals
  • Rotational pin-assignment marks
  • On-module LED indicators
  • User-friendly wiring label
  • Multiple mounting methods

Description: NEIO-B1201 is a 32-channel NPN type digital output EtherCAT slave module. Its normal output voltage is 24 VDC, and it supports resistive, inductive types of loads. NEIO-B1202 is a 32-channel PNP type digital output EtherCAT slave module. Its normal output voltage is 24 VDC, and it supports three types of loads – resistive, inductive and capacitive. All of the NEIO modules are provided with high isolation protection, and verified by the EtherCAT conformance test tool. Therefore NEIO is a reliable module to implement in your applications.

Product:  NEIO-B1603 (4 COM Ports EtherCAT Slave Module)


  • Finger-safe wiring cover
  • Detachable screw terminals
  • Rotational pin-assignment marks
  • On-module LED indicators
  • User-friendly wiring label
  • Multiple mounting methods
  • 1 x RS 232/422/485
  • 3 x RS 422/485

Description: NEIO-B1603 is an EtherCAT to serial conversion module which supports Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex communication modes. It offers one RS-232/422/485 and three RS- RS-422/485 interfaces. The transmission speed on NEIO-B1603 module is up to 115.2 kbps. NEIO-B1603 can automatically detect the communication mode without setting any jumper and switch. Users can easily and quickly use this module to bridge their existing serial devices to the EtherCAT control network. All of the NEIO modules are provided with high isolation protection, and verified by the EtherCAT conformance test tool. Therefore NEIO is a reliable module to implement in your applications.

Product:  NEIO-B1811/B1812 (32-CH Digital Input/Output EtherCAT Slave Module)


  • Finger-safe wiring cover
  • Detachable screw terminals
  • Rotational pin-assignment marks
  • On-module LED indicators
  • User-friendly wiring label
  • Multiple mounting methods
  • 16-CH digital input
  • 16-CH digital output

Description: NEIO-B1811 is a 16-CH digital input/16-CH digital output EtherCAT slave module. The voltage input of NEIO-B1811 is 24 VDC which complies with IEC-61131-2 Standard. Its normal output voltage is 24 VDC, and it supports resistive, inductive types of loads.

NEIO-B1812 is a 16-CH digital input/16-CH digital output EtherCAT slave module. The input filter of NEIO-B1812 is 1ms, and its normal input voltage is 24 VDC. Its normal output voltage is 24 VDC, and it supports three types of loads – resistive, inductive and capacitive.

All of the NEIO modules are provided with high isolation protection, and verified by the EtherCAT conformance test tool. The mixed I/O module is usually used for fewer DI/O channels needed automation equipment. Mixed DI/O modules along with pure DI or DO modules provide more flexible module selection for users’ applications.

Product:  NEIO-B1841 (8-CH AI, 2-CH AO, 16-CH DI/O EtherCAT Slave Module)


  • Finger-safe wiring cover
  • Detachable screw terminals
  • Rotational pin-assignment marks
  • On-module LED indicators
  • User-friendly wiring label
  • Multiple mounting methods
  • 8-CH analog inputs (single-ended)
  • 2-CH analog outputs (single-ended)
  • 8-CH digital inputs
  • 8-CH digital outputs

Description: NEIO-B1841 is a cost-effective EtherCAT I/O slave module. Each NEIO-B1841 is equipped with 8-CH analog Input, 2-CH analog output, 8-CH digital input, 8-CH digital output. NEIO-B1841 provides adjustable input range of voltage and current, so that it can fulfill different application requirements. NEIO-B1841 also provides watchdog function, when it is disconnected, watchdog function can keep the module in a safe state and restore to normal operation.All of the NEIO modules are provided with high isolation protection, and verified by the EtherCAT conformance test tool.

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